Vannwittig Vitenskap - an activity concept for nerdy businesses
Vannwittig Vitenskap - an activity concept for nerdy businesses
Vanvittig Vitenskap is a team-building event concept with a competitive edge. After a short introduction from Andreas, the participants are challenged in groups to solve entertaining research tasks at a very low level. It can be a toaster hot air balloon, swimming cap, smoke rings, imploding beer can, potato cannon, etc. At each post, the groups get points in the form of Mentos lozenges. These must not be eaten, but preserved for the grand finale where they will come in handy in a moist and slightly spectacular finish.
Andreas leads the entire activity, and ensures excitement and experimental joy from the first to the last second.
Vannvittig Vitenskap is suitable for larger and smaller groups, and requires access to indoor and outdoor locations.
Number: 20-200 people
Duration: 60-90 minutes
Area: min 100 m2
Ceiling height: min 4 metres
Rig: Set up 60 minutes, take down 40 minutes.
Other: Access to electricity and water