Press photos
Here you will find high-resolution images for use in marketing and the press. The images can be used freely by agreement if the photographer is credited. (Right-click on the image and click 'Save image as')
Press photo 1 - Studio Expose/Linda Varpe-Karlsen: Press photo 2 - Studio Expose/Linda Varpe-Karlsen
Press photo 3 - Credited Studio Expose/Linda Varpe-Karlsen Press photo 4 - Credited Studio Expose/Linda Varpe-Karlsen
Press photos 5, 6 and 7 - Credited to Studio Expose/Linda Varpe-Karlsen
Presebilde 8 outdoor scars - Credited to Silje Klundelein Storfossen
Press photos 9, 10, 11 and 12 - Credited to Tommy Andresen